Project title: Design of the exhibition “Città sottili . Mostra: progetti di cartone”. Design of a table and chairs for the section 10X10 tables, chairs and cardboard design
location: Lucca
client: Lucense S.p.A.
date: 2007
Project title: Design of the exhibition “Città sottili . Mostra: progetti di cartone”. Design of a table and chairs for the section 10X10 tables, chairs and cardboard design
location: Lucca
client: Lucense S.p.A.
date: 2007
Project title: Design of the exhibition “Città sottili. Mostra: progetti di cartone”. Cardboard wall for the section: thirteen cardboard walls for thirteen architects
location: Lucca
client: Lucense S.p.A.
Date: 2005
Project title: Set up of the “Vademecum per il viaggiatore visionario” exhibition by Antonio Possenti, Palazzo Ducale
location: Lucca
client: Provincial administration of Lucca
date: 2004
with: Alessandra Guidi
titolo progetto: “Little Hermitage”, Lonely living exhibition
location: Venezia
client: Biennale di Venezia – 8th international architecture exhibition
date: 2002
Project title: Design of the exhibition “Arredare la città 1999” on public space in Italy 1990-1999, inside S. Micheletto’s building
location: Lucca
client: Lucense S.p.A.
date: 1999
Project title: Design of the exhibition “Città sottili. Mostra: progetti di cartone”. Design of a cardboard chair for the section Thirteen cardboard chairs for thirteen architects
location: Lucca
client: Lucense S.p.A.
date: 2003